Volume ,Issue 2,2018 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Sports and Health

Top 10 Research Questions Related to Youth Aerobic Fitness[Abstract][PDF]

Children’s Aerobic Trainability and Related Questions[Abstract][PDF]

Response to Commentary on the Special Topic: Top 10 Research Questions Related to Youth Aerobic Fitness[Abstract][PDF]

Top 10 Research Questions Related to Preventing Sudden Death in Sport and Physical Activity[Abstract][PDF]

Sports Sociology

Countermeasures for the Dilemma of Corporate Governance of Sports Associations[Abstract][PDF]

Preliminary Study of the Financial Sanctions on Individuals Violating Anti-Doping Code[Abstract][PDF]

Is the publication of the sports industry policy universal effective in the capital market?[Abstract][PDF]

Internal Support of Theatre Logic to Modern Football[Abstract][PDF]

Visual Analysis of the Folk Sports Research Trend in China[Abstract][PDF]

Sports Training and Kinematics

Kinematic Evaluation of Lower Limbs during Sprint Riding of Female Cyclists[Abstract][PDF]

Research Progress of Different Sports Interventionin Type 3 Diabetes Mellitus[Abstract][PDF]

Grey Association Analysis of the Competition Results of the Elite Chinese Trampoline Athletes after the Implementation of the Horizontal Displacement Score Rule[Abstract][PDF]