Discipline-Surpass: A Field Study on the Body Narrative of Hedong Beibing Folk Sports
中文关键词:背冰民俗  身体叙事  本体观  身体民俗  民俗文化
英文关键词:Beibing folk custom  body narrative  ontological view  body folklore  folk culture
Author NameAffiliation
BAO Lixia Department of Physical Education, Yuncheng University, Yuncheng 044000 , China 
FENG Qiang Department of Physical Education, Yuncheng University, Yuncheng 044000 , China 
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      Folk custom is the life event of people's body feelings. The body narrative is a kind of humanistic care for the return of the subject to folk sports participation. By using the methods of field study and oral history interview, this paper explained and analyzed the historical evolution of human geography and related academic history of Beibing folk custom, the national intangible cultural heri- tage of the Yellow River Basin, and then conducted interviews with its inheritors. The research conclusion: The group "symbolic body" of social discipline from the outside in, and the individual "game body" that surpasses self from the inside out, are the body narrative schema in Beibing folk custom. Memory and discipline, competition and entertainment are the social functions of the body narrative in Beibing folk custom. It is held that the subject of folk sports is transferring from event to human, the structure is transferring from time to space, and the interpretation model of verification-"experience" is changing into a subject transformation path to realize the body narrative of folk sports from "biological view" to "ontological view".
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