动作与能量代谢视角下的体能 |
Physical Fitness in the Perspectives of Movement and Energy Metabolism |
DOI:10.12064/ssr.2022072401 |
中文关键词:体能 动作 能量代谢 训练 测试 |
英文关键词:physical fitness movement energy metabolism training testing |
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中文摘要: |
体能是一个被广泛使用而尚存争议的概念袁动作与能量代谢为认识体能尧开展体能训练和测试提供了一个新的视角遥在定义上袁体能可以进行狭义和广义的区分袁二者对应的人群为运动员和所有人袁对应的英文概念分别为 strength and conditioning 和渊physical冤 fitness遥体能可以定义为以动作为载体袁注重动作的灵活性尧稳定性和功能化袁在神经系统的支配下和三大供能系统的能量供给下的人体对外做功的能力遥体能训练的目的在于提升以动作为载体的能量供应能力袁或能量供应下的动作表现能力遥动作和能量代谢同样有助于制定和遴选符合项目需求的体能测试遥 |
英文摘要: |
Physical fitness is a widely used and controversial concept. Movement and energy metabolism provide a new perspective for understanding physical fitness, undertaking its training and testing. In definition, the physical fitness can be understood in an either broad or narrow sense. Different definitions correspond to either athletes or all human in targeted population, and either strength and conditioning or (physical) fitness in English. Physical fitness can be defined as the output work capacity of human with the carrier of movement, which focuses on the mobility, stability, and functionalization of movement, and is governed by neural system and supported by the three energy systems. The purpose of physical fitness training is developing either the ability of energy supply with the carrier of movement, or the ability of movement performance with the energy supply. Movement and energy metabolism can also be helpful in designing and selecting physical fitness tests with the consideration of sport demand. |
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