Formative Assessment on the Cooperative Learning of Body-building Qigong and Baduanjin Based on the Theory of Hierarchical Analysis Theory
中文关键词:层次分析理论  健身气功?八段锦  合作学习  形成性评价
英文关键词:hierarchical analysis theory  Body-building Qigong & Baduanjin  cooperative learning  formative assessment
基金项目:2014 年湖南省体育局优秀青年课题(2014-Q008);"十二五"国家中医药管理局中医药重点学科建设推拿学科项目
刘毅 湖南中医药高等专科学校公共课部 qinaideliuyi@163.com 
彭婵 湖南中医药高等专科学校公共课部  
谷磊 湖南中医药大学  
王德瑜 湖南中医药高等专科学校公共课部  
李秋平 湖南中医药高等专科学校公共课部  
摘要点击次数: 3574
全文下载次数: 4293
      基于层次分析理论,主要采用文献资料法尧问卷调查法和数理统计法,把握合作学习的理念,遵循合作学习的基本要素和基本方法,分析健身气功?八段锦的教学和习练特点,构建健身气功?八段锦合作学习形成性评价的第一层次3 项指标和第二层次13 项指标,并对各层各级指标进行研究和分解。
      Based on the theory of hierarchical analysis and the concept of cooperative learning, and by the methods of literature study, questionnaire and statistics, the paper analyzes the characteristics of teaching and learning of the Body-building Qigong & Baduanjin following the basic elements and methods of cooperative learning. It tries to establish the 3 indicators of the first layer and the 13 indicators of the second layer of the formative assessment for the cooperative learning of Body-building Qigong & Baduanjin. It studies the different-level indicators of the different layers.
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