From ENGOLO to CAPOEIRA War Dance:An Anthropological Study of the Changes of African Martial Arts
中文关键词:非洲武技  野Engolo冶  卡波耶拉  战舞  安哥拉
英文关键词:African martial arts  Engolo  Capoeira  War dance  Angola
大灵·徳内·罗德里格 上海体育学院武术学院 873271173@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 2843
全文下载次数: 3428
      “Engolo”是非洲武技的经典代表,它以“武、巫、舞”为核心理论。“Engolo”基于非洲“Kunene”族对“Kalunga”的理解。据非洲班图宇宙进化论的观点,“Kalunga”引用了一个倒置的灵界,在那里祖先是倒立地行走,并可以传“Engolo”的精神给下一代。拥有了“Engolo”精神之后,“Kunene”战士可运用超自然的力量来保护他的部族。自从奴隶时代开始,“Engolo”便通过黑奴传播到美洲并落地生根、因地而变。其在巴西被称为“Jogo de Capoeira(卡波耶拉游戏)”,今被誉为"巴西战舞"。但在非洲仍存在着卡波耶拉的鼻祖“Engolo”。“Engolo”是非洲特有的非物质文化遗产,至今并未得到深层次的挖掘与整理。文章论述人类学视野下非洲“人文化成”的武技文化,从非洲的安哥拉到南美洲的巴西,试图探索“Engolo”的变迁。
      "Engolo" is a classical representation of African martial arts. It encompasses "combat", "witchcraft", and "dance" as its core philosophy. Engolo is based on Kunene (tribe in South-West Africa) people's understanding of Kalunga. Kalunga is a core concept of the Bantu (Earliest settlers of Middle Africa) cosmogony, Kalunga is understood as to be an "inverted spiritual world" where ancestors walk upside down and can transfer their Engolo spirit to the next generation. Once possessed by the Engolo spirit, the Kunene fighter can use supernatural powers to protect his tribe. Since the slavery era, Engolo was spread through the Americas by African slaves, and then on developed and changed. In Rio de Janeiro (Brazilian capital at that time) Engolo was called "Jogo de Capoeira" or "game of Capoeira". Throughout time and evolution, Capoeira became a distinct style and is today known as the "Brazilian War Dance". Engolo is a unique African intangible cultural heritage that has never been deeply studied and understood since it existence. This article discusses the "African martial humanities"; from Angola to Brazil, the article attempts to explore the changes of the African martial art Engolo.
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