Tibetan and Qiang corridor Research on Symbolic Representation of National Traditional Sports Culture
中文关键词:藏羌走廊  民族传统体育  文化符号  表征
英文关键词:Tibet and Qiang corridor  national traditional sport  cultural symbol  representation
基金项目:2014 年度国家社会科学基金项目(14BTY077)
周丽 四川师范大学 体育学院 442967298@qq.com 
孙德朝 四川师范大学 体育学院  
摘要点击次数: 3742
全文下载次数: 3754
      By the methods of literature study, logical deduction and field investigation and based on the cultural anthropology and the theory of social representation, the paper narrates the significance of the cultural symbols of the national traditional sports of the Tibet and Qiang Corridor. The result of the study discovers that the cultural symbols of the national traditional sports possess the functional structure of "the existence of the three characteristics" and the functional value of "three parallelization". The study on the cultural symbols of the national traditional sports of the Tibet and Qiang Corridor plays a guiding role in inheriting and developing the cultural resources of the national traditional sports of the Tibet and Qiang Corridor and benefits the deepgoing research of the anthropologists and ethnologists on the cultural symbols of the national traditional sports.
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