Characteristics of the Plantar Pressure of the Elite Male Trampoline Athletes Performing Basic Technical Movements
中文关键词:男子  蹦床  基本技术动作  足底压力
英文关键词:trampoline  basic technical movement  plantar pressure
陈志勇 同济大学 浙江学院体育部 75351981@qq.com 
王乐军 同济大学体育部  
许以诚 上海体育科学研究所  
摘要点击次数: 2585
全文下载次数: 3781
      Taking the 5 Shanghai professional trampoline athletes as the subjects and using the method of synchronous test of video and plantar pressure, the author made a test during the athletes' pre-jump and 5 basic technical movements in order to study the characteristics and the general rule of the plantar pressure distribution when the male trampoline athletes complete different technical movements. The aim is to provide theoretical base for athletes' scientific training and the objective indicators for the technical diagnosis of trampoline athletes. The result shows that the characteristics and general rule of the plantar pressure distribution are the same when athletes complete different basic technical movements. There is no significant difference between the changes of plantar pressure resultant forces, pressure peak distribution and the changes of pressure center. During the process of touching net, the maximum feet pressure resultant force is observed when the force has a single-peak curve and the net reaches the lowest point. The maximum value of the feet pressure resultant force can be 3.04 times the weight. The peak pressure can be detected at the 5th toe phalanges. The offset of the pressure center of the athletes' feet during the push-off phase is due to the uneven force of the athlete's feet.
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