Response to Commentary on the Special Topic: Top 10 Research Questions Related to Youth Aerobic Fitness
中文关键词:青少年  有氧能力  最大摄氧量  成熟阈值
英文关键词:youth  aerobic fitness  maximum oxygen uptake  mature threshold
Neil Armstrong(英) 埃克隆大学儿童健康与运动研究中心 N.Armstrong@exeter.ac.uk 
朱为模 审校 美国伊利诺伊大学 weimozhu@uiuc.edu 
摘要点击次数: 2619
全文下载次数: 2281
      In response to Dotan’s commentary on the special topic Top 10 Research Questions Related to Youth Aerobic Fitness and the article Children’s Aerobic Trainability and Related Questions after the following-up discussion, the paper answers Dotan’s questions such as Validity of existing VO2max data, Children’s limited aerobic trainability—Fact orfiction?, Lack of long-term, longitudinal training studies, No direct child-adult training comparisons, A plausible explanation for children’s claimed lower trainability, Quality of training, Other likely implications, Absence of VO2 plateau, Pulmonary VO2 kinetics (pVO2), future researches, etc. It stresses that the key of the discussion on the Special Topic: 10 Top Research Questions Related to Youth Aerobic Fitness is the development of youth aerobic fitness, and not the difference between children and adults. Part of the related research literature, whose subjects are adults, is not included in the Special Topic. Therefore, Dotan’s comments on the Special Top are minor ones, which can be taken into consideration under the specific circumstances.
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