Top 10 Research Questions Related to Preventing Sudden Death in Sport and Physical Activity
中文关键词:教育  劳力性中暑  体检预筛查  心源性猝死
英文关键词:Education  exertional heat stroke  preparticipation screening  sudden cardiac death
Rachel K. Katch 科里斯特林格研究所康涅狄格大学 rachel.katch@uconn.edu 
Samantha E. Scarneo 科里斯特林格研究所康涅狄格大学  
William M. Adams 北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗校区  
Lawrence E. Armstrong 科里斯特林格研究所康涅狄格大学  
Luke N. Belval 科里斯特林格研究所康涅狄格大学  
Julie M. Stamm 威斯康辛-麦迪逊大学  
Douglas J. Casa 科里斯特林格研究所康涅狄格大学  
朱为模 审校 美国伊利诺伊大学 weimozhu@uiuc.edu 
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全文下载次数: 3042
      Participation in organized sport and recreational activities presents an innate risk for serious morbidity and mortality. Although death during sport or physical activity has many causes, advancements in sports medicine and evidence-based standards of care have allowed clinicians to prevent, recognize, and treat potentially fatal injuries more effectively. With the continual progress of research and technology, current standards of care are evolving to enhance patient outcomes. In this article, we provided 10 key questions related to the leading causes and treatment of sudden death in sport and physical activity, where future research will support safer participation for athletes and recreational enthusiasts. The current evidence indicates that most deaths can be avoided when proper strategies are in place to prevent occurrence or provide optimal care.
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