The Beginning of Modernization of Chinese Wushu:Analysis of the Trend of Thought of Wushu Journals during the Republic of China Era
中文关键词:武术期刊  武术思潮  民国时期  全民国术化
英文关键词:Chinese Wushu journals  the trend of thought of Chinese Wushu  the Republic of China era  the popularization of Chinese Wushu
孟田 广州体育学院 武术学院 Melmeng@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2709
全文下载次数: 2853
      This paper applies the literature review method to sort out Chinese Wushu journals in the Republic of China era, and proposes that the trend of thought of Chinese Wushu in modern times are the warrior spirit, the scientization of Chinese Wushu and the popularization of Chinese Wushu. During a period where people's thinking was more and more multi-diverse, many Chinese Wushu journals made joint efforts to promote the dissemination of the trend of thought of Chinese Wushu. Some journals aimed to enlighten people, change the reader's stereotypes about Chinese Wushu, and promote the "warrior spirit". Some journals introduced "democracy and science" in Western learning while passing down the traditional Chinese Wushu, trying to find a balance point between tradition and modernity and promoting Chinese Wushu into a way of rational expression with the essence of nationalism. Some journals put themselves at the forefront of the trend of thought, boldly modifying some deviations in the practice of the trend of thought of Chinese Wushu, promoting the implementation of the popularization of Chinese Wushu.
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