Study on Evaluation of the Construction Effect of Public Sports Facilities in Shanghai
中文关键词:公共体育设施  建设效应  主观评价  制约因素  优化路径  上海市
英文关键词:public sports facilities  construction effect  subjective evaluation  constraints  optimize path  Shanghai
李陈 上海工程技术大学 社会科学学院上海 201620 sqc-lichen@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2090
全文下载次数: 2306
      The main contradiction in the construction of public sports facilities in Shanghai is the contradiction between the increasing diversified sports needs of the citizens and the unbalanced and insufficient development of the construction of public sports facilities. As a global city, Shanghai is striving to provide public sports facilities with diversified needs for its citizens. According to the requirements of "30-minute Sports Life Circle", this paper assesses the construction effect of public sports facilities in Shanghai from the overall point of view. The findings are as follows: (1)The layout of public sports facilities in Shanghai is hierarchical, and characteristic of "center-periphery" in space. The spatial layout of public sports facilities has formed three levels of city-district-street.(2)The spatial distribution of public sports facilities in Shanghai is positively correlated with the distribution of population density. The density of fitness spots, public stadiums, public gymnasiums and public fitness walk are positively correlated with the distribution of population density, while the farmer fitness projects are negatively correlated with the distribution of population density.(3)There are significant regional differences in the density of public sports facilities in Shanghai. The construction of public sports facilities is in the transitional stage from quantity increase to quality improvement, and public sports facilities and supporting services matching the excellent global city and socialist international metropolis are being built.(4)The general evaluation of the construction of public sports facilities in Shanghai is good, but there are some constraints such as difficulties to meet the diversified needs. The survey shows that the overall evaluation of the construction of public sports facilities in Shanghai is good and satisfactory, but there exists a lack of personalized and diversified needs, thus there is still room for improvement in software environment construction.
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