Effect of Home and Away Matches of Chinese Super League on Team Performance Based on the Complex Network Method
中文关键词:复杂网络  网络结构参数  拓扑结构  主场优势
英文关键词:complex network  network structure parameter  Topology  home advantage
曹雪薇 北京师范大学
李小天 北京师范大学  
付颖瑶 清华大学  
吴昊 北京师范大学  
刘天彪 北京师范大学 LTB@bnu.edu.cn 
梁亚普 德国拜罗伊特大学 运动科学学院  
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全文下载次数: 4150
      为了考察和分析中国足球超级联赛中主客场与球队整体表现的关系,使用2016赛季中国足球超级联赛(CSL)16支参赛队伍30轮共240场比赛中的传球网络数据,构建传球矩阵。基于复杂网络(Complex Network)方法分析球队的整体表现,计算了度和集聚系数等网络结构参数,并对其进行配对样本T检验和分析。结果表明,主场球队传球网络的度和集聚系数均显著大于客场,说明比赛中球员的关联程度和小组配合的成功率均受到比赛地点的影响。因此,传球网络中的参数能够从物理意义上有效和客观地解释球队的比赛表现,可以作为反映比赛表现的重要指标。
      To examine and analyze the relationship between home and away matches of the Chinese Football Association Super League (CSL) and the overall team performance, the pass matrix was constructed by using the pass network data of 240 matches in 30 rounds with 16 CSL teams during the 2016 season. Based on the complex network method, the overall performance of the team was analysed, the network structure parameters such as degree and clustering coefficient were calculated, and paired samples T test and related analysis were conducted. The results show that, for the home team, the degree and the clustering coefficient of the pass network are significantly greater than those of the away team, which reveals that the mutual influence among players and the success rate of team cooperation are affected by the competition location. Therefore, the parameters of the pass network can interpret the team performance effectively and objectively in the physical sense, and can be used as an important indicator to reflect the performance in a game.
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