Study on the Aging Changes in Gene Expression Profile of Vastus Lateralis Muscle Based on Data Mining
中文关键词:基因表达  富集分析  蛋白互作网络  肌肉衰减综合症
英文关键词:gene expression  enrichment analysis  protein interaction network  sarcopenia
杨若愚 上海健康医学院 康复学院,上海 201318 
李晓凡 上海健康医学院 康复学院,上海 201318 
李馨逸 上海健康医学院 康复学院,上海 201318 
朱利扬 上海市杨浦区市东医院 康复医学科,上海 200438 
王碧云 宁波大学 海洋学院,浙江宁波 315832 。 
摘要点击次数: 2086
全文下载次数: 1811
      目的:基于数据挖掘的分析方法,研究骨骼肌增龄性的基因表达差异,探讨与老年人肌肉衰减综合症相关的差异基因,分析差异基因富集的重要分子通路,寻找相关分子标记,为后续工作提供可能的研究线索和思路。方法:利用基于高通量平台检测的老年人和年轻人的股外侧肌的基因表达数据,进行差异基因筛选,并利用相关在线数据库和分析工具进行GO和KEGG富集分析,使用STRING在线工具和Cytoscape软件分析和制作差异基因的蛋白互作网络,寻找相关分子标记。结果:筛选出2 028个股外侧肌的增龄性差异表达基因,其中2 020个为表达下调基因、8个为表达上调基因。通过基因富集分析,在维生素消化吸收、T细胞受体信号通路、神经营养蛋白信号通路、神经活性配体-受体相互作用、Jak-STAT信号通路、胰岛素抵抗等重要通路均有较多的差异基因的富集。利用蛋白互作网络分析和相关算法得到CXCR5、ADCY8、NPY等核心基因。结论:骨骼肌增龄性变化存在大量的基因表达变化,其中绝大多数为基因表达的下调;差异基因可能通过多条重要的分子通路影响老年人群骨骼肌功能的下降和衰退,调控肌肉衰减综合症的发生与发展;筛选出的核心基因可为后续深入研究肌肉衰减综合症的分子标记物提供线索。
      Purpose: Based on the analysis method of data mining, this paper studied the differences in gene expression of aging in skeletal muscle, explored the differential genes relevant to sarcopenia in the elderly, analyzed the important molecular pathways of differential gene enrichment, and searched for relevant molecular markers to provide possible research clues and ideas for the follow-up work. Methods: Screen the differences in gene by using the gene expression data of the old and the young people's vastus lateralis muscle on the basis of high-throughput detection platform. Use relevant databases and analysis tools to make GO and KEGG enrichment analysis online. Use STRING online tools, Cytoscape software analysis and different gene protein interaction network to find relevant molecular markers. Results: 2028 differentially expressed genes were screened out, among which 2020 genes were down-regulated and 8 genes were up-regulated. Through gene enrichment analysis, more differential genes were enriched in vitamin digestion and absorption, T cell receptor signaling pathway, neurotrophic protein signaling pathway, neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, JAK-STAT signaling pathway, insulin resistance and other important pathways. Hub gense, such as CXCR5, ADCY8 and NPY, were obtained by protein interaction network analysis and correlation algorithm. Conclusion: There are a lot of gene expression changes in skeletal muscle aging, most of which are downregulation of gene expression. Differential genes may influence the decline and decay of skeletal muscle function in elderly population through several important molecular pathways, and regulate the occurrence and development of sarcopenia. The screened hub gense can provide clues for further research on molecular markers of muscle decay syndrome.
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