The Meta Analysis of Hypoxia Training Affect Chinese Athletes' Haemoglobin Level
中文关键词:低氧训练  高原训练  血红蛋白  Meta分析
英文关键词:hypoxic training  altitude training  haemoglobin  meta-analysis
张思奇 中国矿业大学 体育学院,江苏 徐州 221116 
刘涛 中国矿业大学 体育学院,江苏 徐州 221116 
江兴豹 安徽工程大学 体育学院,安徽 芜湖 241000 
樊冲 中国矿业大学 体育学院,江苏 徐州 221116 
王军利 中国矿业大学 体育学院,江苏 徐州 221116 
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      运用Meta分析方法综合定量评估不同低氧训练模式对我国运动员血红蛋白(Hb)水平的影响,为科学运用低氧训练提供参考意见。方法:对中国知网、万方、维普、Web of Science、Pubmed数据库中的文献进行检索,对所纳入文献的相关指标进行分析。结果:(1)低氧训练有助于提升运动员Hb浓度,总体影响程度属于中等效应水平,Hb浓度平均升高5.57 g/L;(2)高住低练(HiLo)模式对运动员Hb浓度的影响程度处于较高效应水平,Hb浓度平均升高6.78 g/L,高住高练低训(HiHiLo)模式次之,最后为高住高练(HiHi)模式;(3)不同HiLo训练持续时间对Hb水平影响不同,当训练持续时间为4周时,对Hb浓度增长幅度最明显;当训练持续时间小于4周时,Hb浓度水平则呈下降趋势。结论:总体而言,低氧训练对提升Hb水平有明显效果,但持续4周的HiLo模式对提高运动员Hb水平最优。
      This research aims to provide evidence for the scientific application of hypoxic training by evaluating the influence of different hypoxic training modes on the haemoglobin (Hb) level of Chinese athletes comprehensively and quantitatively with meta-analysis method. The paper uses CMA3.0 (comprehensive meta-analysis) software to statistically describe the relevant indicators of the included documents which collected from the databases of CNKI, Wanfang, Weipu, Web of Science,and PubMed. It shows that hypoxic training helps to increase the Hb concentration of athletes. The overall effect is at a moderate effect level, and the Hb concentration increases 5.57 g/L on average. The impact of Living High and Training Low (HiLo) mode on athletes' Hb concentration level is at a relatively high level of effect, and the average Hb concentration increases 6.78 g/L. The HiHiLo mode ranks 2nd, and living high training high (HiHi) mode ranks last. Different HiLo training durations have different effects on Hb levels. The best effect on increasing Hb concentration is the training duration lasts 4 weeks. The Hb concentration level shows a downward trend when the training duration lasts less than 4 weeks. In conclusion, the hypoxic training mode has a significant effect on the improvement of Hb level, but the HiLo mode which lasts 4 weeks works best.
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