A Case Report of an Elite Female Weightlifter Return to Competition after Treatment of New Onset Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
中文关键词:举重  2型糖尿病  重返赛场
英文关键词:weightlift  type 2 diabetes  return to competition
白云飞 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所,北京 100076 
张剑梅 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所,北京 100076 
李璟 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所,北京 100076 
周敬滨 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所,北京 100076 
丁雨 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所,北京 100076 
张瑞平 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所,北京 100076 
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全文下载次数: 1278
      报告了1则主诉“运动时乏力2个月”的女子举重运动员(87 kg级)因影响训练和比赛成绩就诊后,经诊治恢复机体状态并重返赛场的病例。临床结合患者相关检查和危险因素分析(肥胖、家族史等),诊断为2型糖尿病。考虑运动员项目特点,为保持其体重和体能,予以磷酸西格列汀片100 mg联合盐酸吡格列酮片15 mg口服、每日1次的治疗。此外,患者接受营养和运动训练调整使血糖保持平稳,安全地恢复训练和比赛。通过分析该病例,尝试对女子举重运动员的糖尿病发病特点、治疗方案及相关运动能力进行初步分析,为后续进一步探究相关诊疗及重返赛场的队列研究提供思路。
      The paper reported a female weightlifter (87 kg class) who complained of fatigue during exercise for 2 months was treated for affecting the performance of training and competition. And she recovered her physical state and returned to the competition after diagnosis and treatment. Type 2 diabetes was diagnosed by clinical examination and risk factor analysis (obesity, family history, etc.). Considering the characteristics of athletes, in order to maintain their weight and physical fitness, sitagliptin phosphate 100 mg combined with pioglitazone hydrochloride 15 mg orally (once a day). In addition, the patient received nutritional and exercise training adjustments to keep their blood sugar levels stable and safely return to training and competition. Through the analysis of this case, the characteristics of diabetes, treatment plan and related exercise ability of female weightlifters were attempted to make a preliminary analysis, so as to provide ideas for further research on related diagnosis and treatment and the cohort study of returning to competition.
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