An Interpretation of Designing Exercise Prescription Principles
中文关键词:运动处方  运动健身指导方案  运动处方师  健康促进  体医融合
英文关键词:exercise prescription  exercise guidance program  exercise prescriber  health promotion  exercise-medicine integration
任弘 北京体育大学 运动人体科学学院,北京 100084 北京体育大学 运动与体质健康教育部重点实验室,北京 100084 
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全文下载次数: 2246
      Exercise prescription is a precise exercise and fitness mentoring program based on accurate physical fitness and health assessment results and combined with personal lifestyle. Writing an exercise prescription has to comply with certain standard procedures. Based on principles of safety, validity, individualization, specialty, systematicity, feasibility, progressiveness and periodicity, a complete exercise prescription is designed in accordance with the components of the exercise prescription after a comprehensive evaluation is addressed. This article explains in detail the 8 basic principles to be followed when formulating exercise prescriptions, and interprets with examples of exercise prescriptions, so as to clarify the basic requirements for designing individualized exercise prescriptions, and provide specific references for guiding the formulation and implementation of exercise prescriptions.
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