On the Scientific Monitoring of the Elite Athletes' Preparations for Major Events
中文关键词:优秀运动员  备战重大比赛  训练监控
英文关键词:elite athlete  preparations for major events  training monitoring
高炳宏 上海体育科学研究所 gaobinghong@126.com.cn 
摘要点击次数: 2736
全文下载次数: 3841
      In the course of elite athletes' preparing for major events, the scientific monitoring of the researchers on athletes' training plays an important part in helping them carry off the gold and silver medals. The article discusses the scientific monitoring of the pre-game training, which includes the meaning, contents and significance of scientific monitoring, the variation characteristics of the scientific monitoring of the Chinese athletes preparing for the recent Olympic Games and the thought on scientific monitoring of the elite athletes' preparations for major events. The scientific monitoring is a systematic project. It requires the coaches, athletes and researchers' scientific monitoring awareness acquired in daily training and life. A multi-subject scientific research service system should be established as the base of the monitoring. Thus, the functional status of the athletes can be accurately evaluated, the training programs of the different phases can be reasonably worked out, the training effect can be improved and the athletes may reach a due training level or give ultra-level performance in competition.
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