Some Methods of Rehabilitation Training for Female Weight Lifter's Knee Injuries
中文关键词:举重  膝关节  伤后训练
英文关键词:weight lifting  knee  after-injury training
徐栋 上海第二体育运动学校 
摘要点击次数: 20028
全文下载次数: 7071
      Due to the continuous intensive training, the weight lifters may suffer from different-level strain, injury and disease. Knee injuries are quite common. Once the lifter has the knee injury, she has to stop systematic training. And this will affect the improvement or even lower the specific performance. Leg strength plays a key role in improving specific performance. It is worthwhile to find out the right ways for rehabilitation training of leg strength after knee injury in order to minimize the negative effect of the injuries. Some effective ways have been found in practice. Rehabilitation training may help lifters avoid the negative effect of the injuries in systematic training and slow the decrease of leg strength.
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