再论上海竞技体育可持续发展之路:全运会?还是奥运会? |
On the sustainable development of the competitive sports in shanghai again——National Games or Olympic Games |
DOI: |
中文关键词:上海 竞技体育 发展 全运会 奥运会 |
英文关键词:Shanghai competitive sports development national games Olympic Games |
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摘要点击次数: 26489 |
全文下载次数: 9973 |
中文摘要: |
从对上海运动员(包括引进运动员)在历届奥运会上的成绩的分析,总结上海在奥运会上获得金牌、奖牌及参加人数最多的游泳项目的发展特点,提出上海竞技体育发展应该以国际化的视野、先进的训练理念、科学的训练方法,培养既有国际影响力、又能成为未来社会栋梁的新型运动员。并探析上海竞技体育的可持续发展之路:以奥运会为主要发展目标,在提高上海体育国际影响力的同时,辐射、引领中国竞技体育的良性发展。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the analysis of the performance of Shanghai Athletes (including the athletes introduced into Shanghai) at the previous Olympic Games, the paper sums up the development characteristics of swimming, for Shanghai swimmers captured the medals, including the gold medals at the Olympic Games, which have seen more swimmers from Shanghai than the athletes of other sport disciplines. The paper suggests that the development of the competitive sports in Shanghai should be based on international perspective, advanced training concept and scientific training methods in order to bring up new athletes, who can attract international attention and become pillars of society. In terms of the sustainable development of the competitive sports in Shanghai, the city should aim at the Olympic Games and enhance the international influence of the sports in Shanghai. The city of Shanghai should be at the forefront of the positive development of the competitive sports in China. |
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