Effects of PE Interest on Sports Attribution
中文关键词:学校体育  体育课  爱好  原因
英文关键词:school sports  PE class  interest  reasons
基金项目:河北省教育学会“十二五”教育科研规划重点课题(XHX NO.12550007)
魏明东 石家庄理工职业学院 
摘要点击次数: 2713
全文下载次数: 2741
      Based on Weiner抯 attribution theory and adopting the methods of questionnaire and experiment, the article discusses the affecting factors of students?interest in PE and the correlation between the factors and exercise results (success or failure) and emotional response and expectations of success. The result shows that compared to failure, success tends to be attributed to effort, interest, physical ability and teaching methods. Compared with those who do not like PE classes due to low exercise ability, the students who love PE classes due to their high exercise ability attribute their success to the factor of ability. In success, control position correlates with emotional response, and stability correlates to success expectations. While in failure, instability correlates with the variations of success expectations.
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