International Sports arbitration system and the development of Sports legalization in China
中文关键词:体育仲裁  制度  体育法治
英文关键词:sports arbitration  System  sports legalization
于善旭 天津体育学院 
摘要点击次数: 6979
全文下载次数: 4669
      With the development of legalization and sports modernization in the world, the international sports arbitration system, with the representative of CAS, continues to develop for perfection. This has been followed with interest by China, which is strengthening its construction of sports legalization. The article details China抯 including arbitration clauses in its Sports Law, trying to establish sports arbitration system in China following the example of CAS, cooperating actively with CAS during the Beijing Olympic Games and encouraging extensive academic study on international sports arbitration. It elaborates on the close link and correlation between China and international sports arbitration system. It reveals the expanding influence of the international sports arbitration system in China and the importance of promoting the development of sports legalization in China.
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