Sports liability and sports behavior controlled by the sports law in Greece
中文关键词:希腊  体育法规  责任  侵权
英文关键词:Greece  sports law  liability  infringement
Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos(希腊) 雅典大学希腊中部大学 
摘要点击次数: 4749
全文下载次数: 3341
      体育涉及到经济利益最大化的人类活动的广泛领域,经常决定着体育行为和体育项目的结果。法律确保体育组织顺利且有秩序组织体育行为和体育赛事,确保自然人和法人公平参与到体育活动中。文章从侵权对责任的区别、体育中的侵权行为等视角对希腊体育法规制下的体育责任和体育行为兴奋进行阐述,认为在发生体育活动侵权、追究责任时应当考虑在保护运动理念、运动原则及运动一般方面存在疏忽或故意。 在体育活动中追究责任,应当先考虑行为违法的环境因素、条件和原因。
      TSports relate to the extensive fields of human activity seeking maximum economic benefit, which often determine the results of sports behavior and sports items. Law ensures sports organizations to organize sports behavior and sports events smoothly and orderly and ensures the fair participation of natural persons and legal persons in sports activities. The article discusses the sports liability and sports behavior controlled by Greek Sports Law from the aspects of distinguishing the liability in infringement, torts in sports, etc. It suggests that while investigating for responsibility in sports activity infringement, negligence or intention in protecting sports concept, sports principle and sports in general should be considered. While calling to account in sports activities, the environment factor, condition and cause of illegal action should be first taken into account.
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