Tendon fatigue damage and collagen synthesis
中文关键词:肌腱  疲劳性损伤  胶原
英文关键词:tendon  fatigue damage  collagen
张 林 苏州大学 体育学院 
李 敏 商丘师范学院体育学院 
摘要点击次数: 3436
全文下载次数: 4333
      Tendinopathy is caused by overuse which results in fatigue damage. The paper makes it clear that molecule response of tendon under repeated load will not only help understand the progress of tendinopathy, but also help find the new measures for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. The paper elaborates on the tendon collagen synthesis and the function of growth factors after exercise and under fatigue load in order to investigate the early molecular mechanism of tendon fatigue damage. Diverse responses of collagen subtypes, as well as the dose-dependency of load, are observed after different exercise and under different fatigue load. In response to mechanical stimulation, some growth factors such as TGFβ-1, IGF-I and IL-6 may play a vital role of regulation.
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