Impact of low-power laser irradiation on proteoglycan content of achilles tendon of rats which experienced one-time exhaustive eccentric exercise
中文关键词:低功率激光  力竭  跟腱  蛋白多糖
英文关键词:low-power laser  exhaustion  Achilles tendon  proteoglycan
申晋波 运城学院 
沈勇伟 苏州大学 体育学院 
张 林 苏州大学 体育学院 
摘要点击次数: 3362
全文下载次数: 4055
      Low-power laser irradiation was applied to the Achilles tendon of the rats which experienced one-time exhaustive eccentric exercise, as well as the method of biochemical measurement and histological technology observation. The effect of low-power laser irradiation on the proteoglycan content of Achilles tendon was analyzed so as to explore the function of low-power laser irradiation in the early-stage micro-damage repair of Achilles tendon after exhaustive exercise. The result shows that the proteoglycan content of the rat's Achilles tendon after one-time exhaustive eccentric exercise was significantly higher than that of the control group. The changes of the proteoglycan content of the laser irradiation group was the same as that of the natural healing group. The content of both increased gradually as time passed. However, the rate of increase was greater than that of the natural healing group. This indicates that low-power laser irradiation can promote the proteoglycan synthesis of the rat's Achilles tendon and accelerate the recovery of Achilles tendon extracellular matrix, which is conducive to the repair of damaged Achilles tendon.
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