Sustainable development path for enterprise staff sports under the background of cultural prosperity—— taking the Example of Shanghai Caohejing Hi-tech Park
中文关键词:上海  企业  职工体育  文化  发展路径
英文关键词:Shanghai  enterprise  staff sports  cultural  development path
裴新贞 上海市徐汇区体育局 科研培训中心 
刘 倩 上海市徐汇区体育局 科研培训中心 
陈 震 上海市徐汇区体育局 科研培训中心 
李 燕 上海市徐汇区体育局 科研培训中心 
周慧康 上海市徐汇区体育局 科研培训中心 
马淑琼 上海体育学院 经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 3368
全文下载次数: 3908
      By the methods of literature study, expert interview, questionnaire and statistics, the article analyzes the development of enterprise staff sports in Shanghai Caohejing Hi-tech Park. It concludes that enterprise staff sports should be people-oriented and be based on the guiding ideology of aiming at creating enterprise culture and social culture. The operation mode of government guidance, enterprise organization and society management should be adopted so as to seek for the integration method of fund, field and human resources and create a positive and healthy public opinion influence for the sustainable healthy development of staff sports in a new era of cultural development and prosperity.
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