Relationship between functional status and TcPO2、TcPCO2 changes of elite male rowers in different training periods before major competitions
中文关键词:赛艇运动  不同训练阶段  TcPO2  TcPCO2  机能监控
英文关键词:rowing  different training periods  TcPO2  TcPCO2  function monitoring
张昊楠 西安体育学院 
高炳宏 上海体育科学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3223
全文下载次数: 4004
      目的:观察不同训练阶段运动员经皮氧分压(TcPO2)和经皮二氧化碳分压(TcPCO2)以及机能状态相关指标的变化,探讨我国优秀男子赛艇运动员TcPO2和TcPCO2与机能状态的关系。方法:以国家赛艇队8名男子轻量级选手为研究对象,将3月5日—4月2日作为运动员第一训练阶段(春季锦标赛前);将4月9日—4月28日作为运动员第二训练阶段(世界杯赛前)。在两个训练阶段,均在每周一早晨空腹状态下取血样。同一天用PERIMED激光多普勒PeriFlux 5000系统测试微循环相关指标。测试指标:TcPO2和TcPCO2,睾酮(T),皮质醇(C),血尿素(BU),血清肌酸激酶(CK),血红蛋白(Hb),红细胞计数(RBC)。结果:(1)世界杯赛前的两个训练阶段,Hb和RBC在第一阶段明显下降,在第二阶段逐步回升;BU和CK在第一阶段末期明显升高,在第二阶段保持平稳;T在第一阶段有所下降,在第二阶段回升至较高点,T/C保持平稳。(2)TcPO2与Hb有相同的变化趋势,第二阶段第二周TcPO2与Hb相关系数为-0.882,P<0.05;TcPO2与BU相关系数为0.943,P<0.01。结论:(1)世界杯赛前运动员机体携氧能力及整体机能状态处于相对较好的状态。(2)TcPO2和TcPCO2与机能状态指标具有相关性,其变化趋势基本一致,在一定程度上可以用于评定运动员的机能水平。
      To observe the TcPO2、TcPCO2 and functional status changes and to discuss the relations between TcPO2、TcPCO2 and functional status of elite male rowers. Method: 8 male lightweight rowers of Chinese National Rowing Team were selected as the subjects. According to the training plan, March 5-April 2 was the first phase (before the Spring Championships) and April 9-28 was the second phase (before the World Cup). In the two training phases, blood samples were taken every Monday morning before eating breakfast. Microcirculation indices were collected with PeriFlux 5000 system on the same day. The indices included TcPO2, TcPCO2, testosterone(T), cortisol(C), blood urea nitrogen (BU), creatine kinase(CK), hemoglobin(Hb) and red blood count(RBC). Result: In the two training phases before the World Cup, Hb and RBC reduced obviously in the first phase and increased in the second phase. BU and CK increased significantly at the end of the first phase and then stayed stable in the next phase. T decreased in the first phase and increased to a higher point in the second phase .T/C kept steady. TcPO2 had the same variation tendency as Hb. The correlation coefficient between TcPO2 and Hb in the second week of the second phase was -0.882 (P<0.05). The correlation coefficient between TcPO2 and BU was 0.943 (P<0.01). Conclusion: The athletes? ability of carrying oxygen and the total functional state are good before the World Cup. There is a correlation between TcPO2, TcPCO2 and functional state indexes, with almost the same changing trend. To a certain extent, TcPO2 and TcPCO2 can be used to evaluate athletes? functional status.
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