On the indexes of biceps brachii microcirculation of elite athletes of different water sports
中文关键词:水上运动项目  肱二头肌  微循环  运动员等级  专项训练年限
英文关键词:water sports  biceps brachii  microcirculation  grades of athletes  years of special training training
刘婷婷 上海体育学院运动科学学院 
高炳宏 上海体育科学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3164
全文下载次数: 3022
      目的:探讨不同水上运动项目优秀男子运动员安静状态下肱二头肌微循环相关指标与运动项目、运动员等级及专项训练年限的关系。方法:利用PeriFlux Syste m 5000系列激光多普勒仪自带的血流单元、温控单元及经皮氧分压单元,对47名不同水上运动项目优秀男子运动员进行安静、坐位状态下肱二头肌微循环相关指标进行测试,测试环境为室内,室温25.0±3.0℃、空气相对湿度45.0%~65.0%。结果:不同水上运动项目优秀男子运动员肱二头肌微循环血流灌注量(PU)、血细胞的运动速率(V)、经皮氧分压(tcpO2)皮艇组>赛艇组>帆船组,加热后PU变化率帆船组>赛艇组>皮艇组,加热后微循环相关指标变化率帆船组>皮艇组;不同运动等级水上运动项目优秀男子运动员安静时肱二头肌PU、V一级运动员组>二级运动员组>健将级运动员组,而加热后PU的变化率、运动的血细胞聚集程度(CMBC)的变化率健将级运动员组>一级运动员组>二级运动员组;不同专项训练年限水上运动项目优秀男子运动员安静时肱二头肌微循环PU、V 1~5年组>6~9年组>10年以上组。结论:不同水上运动项目优秀男子运动员安静状态下肱二头肌部分微循环相关指标与运动项目、运动员等级及运动员专项训练年限有关。
      Objective: To discuss the relationship between biceps brachii microcirculation and different water sports, years of special training and the grades of athletes. Method: With the room temperature of 25±3℃, air humidity of 45.0%-65.0%, 47 male athletes of different water sports were tested for the indexes of biceps brachii microcirculation in a tranquil and seating state by using PeriFlux System 5000抯 units of blood flow, temperature control and pressure of oxygen. Result: The indicators of blood perfusion (PU), movement rate of blood cell (V) and pressure of oxygen (tcpO2) of biceps brachii microcirculation of the different groups, from high to low, were canoeing, rowing and sailing. The indices of the changing rate of PU after heating, from high to low, were sailing, rowing and canoeing. The changing rate of microcirculation indexes of the sailing group after heating was higher than that of the canoeing group. Th indexes of PU and V of the different level elite water sports athletes in tranquility, from high to low, were Grade A group, Grade B group and Master group. The indicators of the changing rate of PU and CMBC after heating, from high to low, were Master, Grade A and Grade B. The indices of PU and V of the athletes who had had different special training years in tranquility, from high to low, were the groups of 1-5 years, 6-9 years and over ten years. Conclusion: Some of the biceps brachii microcirculation indicators of the different water sports athletes in tranquility correlate with the disciplines of sports, grades of athletes and the years of special training.
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