Research and Development of the Scoring System for Shanghai Junior Gymnastics Competition
中文关键词:青少儿体操比赛  计分系统  系统开发
英文关键词:junior gymnastics competition  scoring system  system development
王乐军 同济大学体育部 
龚铭新 同济大学体育部 
邹凝祥 同济大学体育部 
毛培雯 上海市体操运动训练中心 
张琳 上海市体操运动训练中心 
吴昊 上海市体操运动训练中心 
岳增科 同济大学体育部 
张磊 同济大学体育部 
董菲 同济大学体育部 
摘要点击次数: 3401
全文下载次数: 3718
      Due to the characteristics of many items in gymnastics competition, complicated result processing procedure and high requirement of real-time processing, manual result recording and processing are unreliable. At present, the gymnastics scoring software system is adopted for result recording and processing in major gymnastics events at home and abroad. Owing to the particularity of the competition rules and result processing in Shanghai junior gymnastics competition, it is difficult to use the existing scoring software system in the junior gymnastics competition in Shanghai. Therefore, according to Shanghai’s competition rule and the requirement of result processing, the author has developed a related software system, which improves the level of automation and informatization in the result processing of the gymnastics competition in Shanghai. Through the early-stage application, the system has showed the characteristics of friendly interface, easy operation and good fault tolerance. It can quickly accomplish the result processing in Shanghai junior gymnastics competition and has good application value.
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