Over-Reliance of the Chinese Sports Facilities on Service Outsourcing
中文关键词:体育场馆  服务外包  过度信赖  建议
英文关键词:sports facilities  service outsourcing  over-reliance  suggestion
基金项目:国家社科基金资助项目(13BTY008);国家体育总局体育社会科学研究重点项目(1842SS13003); 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NECT-120875)
万宝莉 华中师范大学体育学院 
陈元欣 华中师范大学体育学院 
冯颜 首都体育学院研究生部 
摘要点击次数: 2749
全文下载次数: 3561
      By using literature study, on-the-spot investigation and expert interview, the paper studies the question of service outsourcing in the operation and management of the sports facilities. The Chinese sports facilities depends too much on service outsourcing. The outsourcers neglect the assessment of biding document of service providers and the conduct of service subcontract. They rely too much on service providers and lack risk prevention awareness. The inspection and supervision of the outsourcers on service providers become mere formality. This greatly increases outsource costs, lowers service quality and wakens the general competitiveness of outsourcers. The reasons lie in the outsourcers’ over-reliance on service providers, the rent-seeking behavior of service providers, information asymmetry, etc. The paper puts forward the suggestions of selecting publicly professional and honest service provider, optimizing service outsourcing contract and perfecting the incentive evaluation mechanism of service outsourcing.
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