General Principles of Law in International Sports Activities and Lex Sportiva
中文关键词:四年规则  联合抵制  自身违法原则  合理原则  反垄断豁免
英文关键词:four-year rule  boycott  self-unlawful principle  rational principle  antitrust immunity
杨蓓蕾 上海政法学院 体育法学研究中心 
姜 熙 上海政法学院 体育法学研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 2749
全文下载次数: 3611
      “四年规则”废除与Haywood v.NBA案有千丝万缕的联系。本文通过Haywood v.NBA案件的评述,分析了“四年规则”废除对美国职业体育的影响。“四年规则”的废除动摇了NCAA人才输入的垄断地位,促进了人才市场的自由流通,赋予了更多人参加选秀的公平竞赛权,保护了非大学生球员的权利。
      The abolition of Four-year Rule has exerted a far-reaching influence upon the development of the US professional sports leagues. It has shaken the talent access monopoly of NCAA, promoted the free flow of the talent market, given more people fair competition rights to participate in talent selection and protected the rights of non-college players. This also provides reference for the talent access policy of the Chinese professional athletes. Based on the present condition of the access restriction of the Chinese professional leagues, the article concludes that the monopoly of talent access and the barriers between the systems should be broken, a platform for fairly selecting talents should be established and the non-technical criteria for the athlete access of the professional sports leagues should be abandoned.
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