Comparative Study on?the Successful and Unsuccessful Performance of?the Elite Male?Weightlifters’?Snatch Technique
中文关键词:举重  抓举  成功  失败  运动学
英文关键词:weightlifting  snatch  success  unsuccessfulness  kinematics
毕志远 太原师范学院体育系 
艾康伟 国家体育总局体育科学研究所 
张 龙 太原师范学院体育系 
温志宏 太原师范学院体育系 
韩 旭 国家体育总局体育科学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3613
全文下载次数: 3312
      Using the methods of 3D motion analysis,this paper made a comparative analysis of the 9 elite Chinese male weightlifters’ 18 trials. Their successful and unsuccessful snatch lifts with the same load under competitive conditions were recorded so as to seek the characteristics and differences between the successful and unsuccessful lifts of the specific loads.The result shows that there is no significant difference between the successful and unsuccessful lifts based on the temporal and spatial characteristics of the snatch movements. However, significant difference was found in the vector of the resultant linear acceleration of the barbell in the first pull of the successful and unsuccessful lifts. It seems that a proper direction of force application to the barbell leads to successful lift and the direction of unstable force application to the barbell is the main reason for unsuccessful lift.
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