Review on the Forth Forum of Bohai Rim Sports Law
中文关键词:体育法特殊性  第四届环渤海体育法学论坛  综述
英文关键词:Specificity of sports law  Bohai Rim Sports Law Forum  Review
朱文英 潍坊学院 
姜士波 山东大学威海分校 
摘要点击次数: 2872
全文下载次数: 2649
      The fourth forum of the Bohai rim sports law held in Shandong University (Weihai). As the theme on the particularity of sports law, 60 scholars of sports law carried on the reports and seminars, and expressed their views, comments and suggestions involving the issues on the theoretical basis to the specificity of the sports law, and the institutional facts of the specificity of sports law, and the particularity sports law and the construction of textbook. The consensus has been formed concerning the specificity of the sports law, and stressed that researchers and practitioners of sports law should be explore the basic theory of the sports law further, and broaden their horizons, and promote the development of the subject of sports law based on China's sports practice. The form of the forum has also been affirmed and supported by the China Law society.
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