Research on Bottlenecks and Crack of Regional Sports Resource Integration in China
中文关键词:体育产业  资源整合  瓶颈  破解
英文关键词:sports industry  resource integration  bottleneck  crack
王艳 三峡大学体育学院 
张贵敏 沈阳体育学院 
摘要点击次数: 2860
全文下载次数: 2651
      In the new round of industrial restructuring, sports industry gains much concern. In order to achieve "The Twelfth Five Plan of sports industry" which refers to coordinated development of regional sports industry, resource integration becomes the imperative task. Leading role of the government is the basis for regional sports resource integration and industrial co-ordination of development. Carding status of the regional development of China's sports industry, the paper analyzes bottlenecks of resource integration of sports industry. Furthermore, it proposes cracks as follows: establishing symbiotic win-win situation awareness to strengthen top-level design industry planning; establishing efficient institutional mechanisms to make market allocation of resources effectiveness; utilizing central urban agglomeration-diffusion effect to build sports industry circles; setting comprehensive authority coordinating bodies to accelerate the process of regional cooperation. The paper looks forward to provide reference for coordinated development of different levels of regional sports industry in China.
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