Study on the Influential Factors of Urban Residents’ Participation in City Sports & Leisure Tour ——A Case Study of Shanghai
中文关键词:城市居民  体育休闲旅游  参与意愿  影响因素
英文关键词:urban resident  sports & leisure tour  will of participation  influential factor
郭安禧 上海商学院 
孙雪飞 上海商学院 
王纯阳 五邑大学 
摘要点击次数: 2943
全文下载次数: 2668
      Researches on the influential factors of urban residents’ participation in city sports & leisure tour are rare. This is not conducive to the provision of intellectual support for the development of city sports & leisure tour from the perspective of influential factors. This study, taking the city of Shanghai as an example, makes an empirical study of the four influential factors, which affect the will of urban residents’ participation in city sports & leisure tour. These factors are: socio-economic conditions (SEC) of urban residents, project quality (PQ) of sports & leisure tour, related information dissemination channels (IDC) and property conditions (PC) of tourist destination. The result of the study shows that SEC and PC have no significant positive influence upon the will of urban residents’ participation in city sports & leisure tour; PQ is an important factor affecting the will of urban residents’ participation in sports & leisure tour; IDC is an important antecedent variable concerning the will of urban residents’ participation in city sports & leisure tour. Further discussion about the research conclusions can be found in the article.
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