The Research on the Construction of Shanghai Disabled Public Sports Service System
中文关键词:残疾人  公共体育服务体系  服务均等化
英文关键词:The disabled  Public Sports Service System  Service Equalization
胡摇华 上海出版印刷高等专科学校 
蔡犁 上海体育学院 
摘要点击次数: 3462
全文下载次数: 4250
      Through literature review, questionnaires, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, this paper does a research on current situation of public sports system in Shanghai for disabled people. The study suggests that public sports services for disabled people in Shanghai are not rich enough, the supply mechanism is not complete, the main responsibilities are not clear and the service is inadequate in provision. To solve these problems, this paper proposes to strengthen a service-oriented government, enhance the government’s function in public sports service, increase the awareness of importance of public sports service for disabled people. In addition to that, this paper also proposes that we should learn from the successful experience of developed countries such as the USA and UK to accelerate the construction of Shanghai Disabled Public Sports Service System, construct a government-led, plural subjects collaborative way to provide Public Sports Services, strengthen the public sports venues of the disabled and fitness venues to Disabled Sports, as well as complete the public finance investment mechanism for Disabled Public Sports Service System.
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