Research on the Way of Promoting the Efficiency of Public Sports Service from the Perspective of O2O
中文关键词:O2O  公共体育服务  效能提升  途径研究
英文关键词:O2O  public sports service  promotion of efficiency  research on the process
金伟红 徐汇区体育局 
孙仲勋 徐汇区体育局科研培训中心 
裴新贞 徐汇区体育局科研培训中心 
李燕 徐汇区体育局科研培训中心 
周慧康 徐汇区体育局科研培训中心 
摘要点击次数: 2701
全文下载次数: 2699
      The paper analyzes the characteristics of the pattern O2O, which has attracted great attention in the field of e-commerce and has induced the changes of people’s life, consumption and the way of thinking. On the basis of the status quo and existing problems of the present public sports service and taking the case of the intelligent information construction of the Public Sports Service in Xuhui District as an example, the article tries to explore the effective way of promoting the efficiency of public sports service from the perspective of O2O. It points out that intelligent information construction will surely become an inevitable way and effective means for the innovation and transformation development in the field of public sports service. From the macro-perspective, the article suggests a basic way of two-step process in the three phases of development.
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