Feasibility Study on Bringing up Sports Reserved Talents Based on the Establishment of “30-Minute Sports Life Circle for the Youngsters”
中文关键词:30分钟体育生活圈 青少年 后备人才 培养
英文关键词:30-minute sports life circle  youngster  reserved talent  cultivation
王继威 徐汇区体育局 
戚双洪 徐汇区体育局 
顾力君 徐汇区体育局 
摘要点击次数: 2759
全文下载次数: 4191
      By the methods of questionnaire, literature study and interview and based on the pilot implementation of setting up “30-minute sports life circle for the youngsters” in Xuhui District, the authors made a study on the cultivation of the sports reserved talents based on the establishment of “30-minute sports life circle for the youngsters”. The result of the study shows that the aim of promoting the cultivation of the sports reserved talents based on the “30-minute sports life circle for the youngsters” can only be realized by forming a perfect organizational system, accumulating experience in practice and attracting more youngsters to participate in sports. The article concludes that communities play a pivotal role in organizing physical activities for the youngsters. In future, community activities may help the sports development of the youngsters. This is a feasible way for enhancing the cultivation of sports reserved talents.
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