Mechanical Characteristics of Barefoot Walking of the Individuals with High-arch Feet and Normal-arch Feet
中文关键词:高弓足  地面反作用力  运动学
英文关键词:high-arch feet  ground reaction force  kinematics
毛晓锟 苏州大学 
张秋霞 苏州大学 
杨倩倩 天津体育学院 
摘要点击次数: 2607
全文下载次数: 2955
      To observe the kinematics and kinetics parameter variations during barefoot walking of the individuals with high-arch feet and normal-arch feet, analyze the reason why high-arch feet are easy to be injured and to provide experimental basis for the rehabilitation treatment of high-arch feet injuries. Method: Nine subjects with high-arch feet were selected for the experimental group, and another ten subjects with normal-arch feet were put into the control group. Vicon-MX infrared camera system was used to capture the motions of the subjects during normal walking,and the kinematic parameters such as hip angles, knee angles and ankle angles were collected. KISTLER three dimensional measuring force platform was adopted to collect foot-ground contact force. Result: During the walking, the hip joint abduction angles of the high-arch feet individuals were less than those of the normal feet subjects when the toes were off the ground(P﹤0.05). The Difference between the second peak GRF of the vertical direction of the two groups has statistical significance(P﹤0.05). The first and second peak GRF of the vertical direction and the peak GRF of the backward direction of the experiment group appeared earlier than those of the control group(P﹤0.05). Conclusion: The Different characteristics of high-arch feet and normal-arch feet in walking may be the cause why high-arch feet are easy to get injured, and this reflects their different control mechanisms.
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