20 m多级往返跑预测青年女足运动员最大摄氧量的探讨
Research on Using 20m Multistage Shuttle Run for Predicting VO2max of Young Female Football Players
中文关键词:20-MST  青年女足  最大摄氧量  线性回归
英文关键词:20-MST  Young female football player  VO2max  linear regression equation
赵海燕 上海体育科学研究所 
王 晨 Shanghai Research Institute Of Sports Science 
摘要点击次数: 3042
全文下载次数: 2810
      目的:评价20 m多级往返跑(20-MST)作为预测青年女足运动员最大摄氧量(VO2max)指标的有效性;建立20-MST预测青年女足运动员VO2max的线性回归方程,为优秀青年女足运动员的选材和科学训练提供简易的监控依据。方法:9名上海市U18青年女足的运动员,在室内跑道进行20-MST。测试过程中受试者佩戴心肺测试仪(K4b2:意大利、Cosmed公司)和polarRS400(芬兰)实时监测摄氧量和心率(HR)的变化,并测试记录安静时和运动结束后即刻的HR和血乳酸值。结果:K4b2测得的VO2max和20-MST预测值相关性系数r=0.85(P≤0.01);预测值显著低于K4B2测得的结果(P≤0.01),平均低7.9 ml/kg/min;20-MST中的跑动距离与K4b2测得的VO2max的相关系数r=0.911(P≤0.01);本研究建立的回归方程为:y = 0.034×S(y:VO2max ml/kg/min; S:跑动距离m; R2=0.998,P≤0.01),且DW检验残差具有独立性,残差符合正态分布的趋势,具有较好的线性拟合度。结论:(1)20-MST软件预测的VO2max值与K4b2测得的VO2max相关,但预测值偏低;(2)20-MST中的跑动距离与K4b2测得的青年女足运动员的VO2max高度相关,可以用来预测青年女足运动员的VO2max;(3)本研究建立的回归方程为:y=0.034×S。
      Evaluating the effectiveness of using 20m multistage shuttle run to predict VO2max of young female football players, establishing the linear regression equation for predicting VO2max and providing reference for the talent selection and scientific training of elite young female football players. Method: 20m multistage shuttle run tests (20-MST) were arranged on indoor track for nine U18 female football players from Shanghai. Mobile cardiopulmonary Tester (K4b2, Cosmed company of Italy) and polarRS400 (Finland) were used for real-time monitoring of the changes of oxygen uptake and HR. The heart rate (HR) and blood lactate at rest and immediately after the exercises. Result: The comparison between the VO2max obtained by K4b2 and the predicted value by 20-MST shows that the correlation coefficient is r=0.85(p≤0.01). The predicted value is significantly lower than that obtained by K4b2 with the average of 7.9ml/kg/min. The correlation coefficient between the running distance in 20-MST and the VO2max measured by K4b2 is r=0.911 (p≤0.01). The regression equation established by the study is y = 0.034 × S (y: VO2max ml/kg/min, S: running distance, R2 = 0.998, P ≤ 0.01). The result of DW Test shows that the residual is independent. It accords with the normal distribution trend and has good linear fitting. Conclusion: 1) VO2max predicted by 20-MST software correlates with that measured by K4b2, but the predicted value is lower. 2) The running distance in 20-MST is highly correlated with the VO2max measured by K4b2, which can be used to predict the VO2max of the young female football players. 3) The linear regression equation established by this study is y = 0.034 × S.
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