游泳比赛技战术分析及比赛战术应用——以男子100 m蝶泳比赛为例
Analysis of the Technique and Tactics in Swimming Competitions and the Application of the Tactics ---- Taking the Men’s 100m Butterfly as the Example
中文关键词:游泳  比赛战术  技战术分析  录像解析
英文关键词:swimming  competition tactics  technique and tactics analysis  video analysis
戚雅茜 上海体育科学研究所 
仰红慧 上海体育科学研究所 
宋 闪 上海体育科学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2771
全文下载次数: 3002
      通过对第十二届全运会100 m蝶泳比赛进行技战术分析,介绍比赛技术解析方法在比赛中的应用,特别是研究运动员比赛战术方面的应用。通过技术录像解析法对参加第十二届全国运动会男子蝶泳100 m决赛第二组的运动员进行比赛视频的拍摄和解析,结合近几年游泳比赛男子蝶泳比赛成绩和排名情况,对男子100 m蝶泳半决赛中运动员的出发、转身、途中游、冲刺等阶段进行了分析和对比,通过分析结果为教练和运动员选择最佳的比赛战术提供科学依据,这将让运动员在了解自身情况的基础上对对手在决赛中的表现有一个清楚的认识和预判,为教练和运动员采用更合理的比赛战术提供了积极的帮助,也让运动员在比赛中对对手的把握更准确,为其提供了心理的准备。运动在比赛中了解自己的实力和弱点,扬长避短,不仅从心理上,还能从合理分配体力上为赢得对手提供保障。
      Through the technique and tactics analysis of the 100m butterfly games in the 12th National Games, the article introduces the application of the competition technique analytic methods in the games, especially the application of athletes’ competition tactics. By the method of technique video analysis, the authors analyzed the competition records of the second group competitors in the men’s 100m butterfly finals of the 12th National Games. In line with the performance results and ranking of the men’s butterfly in the recent years, the article analyzes and compares the athletes’ performance at the phases of start, turning, swimming and sprint in the semi-finals of the men’s 100m butterfly. The result of the analysis may help coaches and athletes choose the best competition tactics and help athletes have a better understanding and anticipation of the rivals’ performance in the finals on the basis of knowing themselves clearly. It provides positive assistance for coaches and athletes choosing more appropriate competition tactics and provides mental preparation for athletes so that they may prepare accurately and confidently for fighting against their rivals. If athletes can clearly know their advantages and disadvantages, they can not only be mentally prepared, but also reasonably distribute their strength so as to win victory in the games.
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