Memory for One Century:Sports Life of the American Nationals in Shanghai in 1849-1949
中文关键词:美侨  体育生活  体育竞赛
英文关键词:American national  sports life  sport competition
倪京帅 上海对外经贸大学 体育部 nijingshuai@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2527
全文下载次数: 4139
      Based on historical research, the paper uses the methods of literature study and logic analysis to study the sports activities of the American nationals in modern Shanghai from the aspects of sports items, sports facilities, sports organizations and sports contest. Sports in Shanghai first appeared as a way of life.Most of the popular sports were regarded as recreational activities in the concessions. The main carriers then were sports competitions. The sports facilities built with the help of the overseas Americans promoted theurbanization of Shanghai and the development of the city’s urban public entertainment in modern times. The sports clubs and sports associations established with the participation of the US nationals represented the modern way and quality of life. The sports life brought about by the Western nationals, including the overseas Americans, played an important exemplary role in the sports development of modern China.
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