Super Sports Performance: the Symbol Resolution of Athletic Stars in "Super Team"
中文关键词:体育明星  超体育表演  《超级战队》
英文关键词:athletic star  super sports performance  "Super Team"
殷姿 上海体育学院 体育新闻传播与外语学院 826170369@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 2591
全文下载次数: 3962
      In 21st century, the phenomenon of super sport has attracted wide attention of the media. The super sports performance and its phenomenon refer to the athletic stars' performance outside the competition venues. The entertainment program of Super Team tries to link the program with sports. Taking Ning Zetao as an example and by the means of literature study and case analysis, the paper discusses the performance of the sport stars in Super Team from the three angles of performance stage, performers and audience. With the sport stars as the core, the Super Team establishes a stage for the performance. Spectators are the most important deciders of super sports performance. Sport stars, as icon symbols, have a certain realistic significance. The phenomenon of super sports performance is explained in the article.
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