Heterogeneous Differentiation of Cultural Communication: Interpretation of Brazilian Football
中文关键词:巴西足球  文化传播  游戏性  竞技  戏剧性
英文关键词:Brazilian football  cultural communication  gameplay  competition  theatricality
路云亭 上海体育学院 体育新闻传播与外语学院 luyunting666@sina.com 
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      Football is a very easy game to be spread. The spread of football is mostly homogeneous in the world, but it has a heterogeneous factor in Brazil. The distinctive character of Brazil football comes from the diversity of ethnic groups, the unfettered cultural spirit of the people and the climate and ecology of Brazil. Brazil football brings extraordinary technique to the world’s people and demonstrates unique vitality, free feeling and nimble nature of the people of the tropical countries. It has become the main spirit of the country and its brand influence is beyond all other culture types in the country. Samba and football of the Brazilian culture are at the world’s highest level. Brazilian culture has the function of single development. Brazil has not been traumatized by war and the spirit of liberalism in football is pure and original. The internal theatricality and gameplay of Brazilian football are activated when the national authority symbols no longer exist. This is the revelation which Brazil football offers to the world’s people.
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