Functional Evaluation of the Badminton Players with Low Back Pain
中文关键词:羽毛球  腰痛  活动范围  等速  肌电
英文关键词:badminton  low back pain  activity scope  constant speed  myoelectricity
李男 上海体育科学研究所 linan1118316@163.com 
檀志宗 上海体育科学研究所  
叶晶龙 上海体育科学研究所  
刘新宇 上海体育科学研究所  
任雪 上海体育科学研究所  
摘要点击次数: 2746
全文下载次数: 2595
      研究目的:对腰痛羽毛球运动员的部分功能进行测试,观察其活动范围、肌肉力量、肌电活动以及相应对称性。为了解羽毛球运动员损伤机制发生提供科学依据。研究对象:6名腰痛羽毛球运动员(男运动员4名,女运动员2名)。研究方法:对研究对象分别进行日本矫正外科协会(JOA)评分量表、躯干旋转、胸椎旋转、髋关节内外旋活动度、躯干等速旋转力量、等长背伸活动的肌电活动测试,并观察两侧差异比的平均值。研究结果:(1)腰痛运动员的躯干旋转、胸椎旋转以及髋关节外旋活动度平均差异比为(31.98±21.53)%,(19.8±17.08)%,(13.81±4.43)%大于10%,仅髋关节内旋活动度平均差异比为(5.62±5.63)%小于10%。胸椎和髋关节旋转动度有减小的趋势;(2)等速躯干旋转两侧峰力矩和平均功率差异没有显著性意义,峰力矩平均差异比为(5.45±1.78)%小于10%,而平均功率平均差异比为(12.78±11.40)%大于10%;(3)在等长背伸活动中,竖脊肌肌电活动的平均两侧差异比为(14.18±9.84)%大于10%,而多裂肌肌电活动的平均两侧差异比(9.90±7.92)%接近10%;竖脊肌和多裂肌的中位频率斜率(Median Frequency slope,MFs)均出现下降的趋势,但两侧差异比为(4.68±3.17)%,(5.35±5.40)%小于10%。结论:(1)腰痛羽毛球运动员躯干旋转、胸椎旋转、髋关节外旋活动范围存在对称性问题,且胸椎旋转、髋关节旋转有减少趋势;(2)躯干等速旋转平均功率存在对称性问题;(3)等长背伸任务中,竖脊肌和多裂肌出现疲劳,肌电活动存在对称性问题。
      Objective: To measure part of the functions of the badminton players with low back pain in order to observe the scope of activities, muscle strength, myoelectricity activity and corresponding symmetry for the purpose of providing scientific basis for understanding the injury mechanism of badminton players. Subject: 6 badminton players with low back pain (4 males and 2 females). Method: Muscle activity tests were arranged for JOA rating scale, body rotation, thoracic spinal rotation, internal and external rotation of hip joint, constant speed rotation strength and isomeric back stretch activity. To observe the average value of the bilateral difference ratio. Result: The mean difference ratios of body rotation, thoracic spinal rotation and internal and external rotation of hip joint (31.98%±21.53%,19.8%±17.08%,13.81%±4.43%)are over 10% and only the mean difference ratio of the internal rotation of hip joint (5.62%±5.63%)is smaller than 10%. And the rotation activity of the thoracic spinal and hip joint tends to decrease. There is no significant difference between the bilateral peak torque of constant speed body rotation and mean power. The mean peak torque difference(5.45%±1.78%) is smaller than 10%. And the mean difference ratio of the average power (12.78%±11.40%)is over 10%. In the activity of isomeric back stretch, the mean bilateral difference ratio of the myoelectricity activity of erector spinae(14.18%±9.84%)is over 10%. While the mean bilateral difference ratio of the myoelecricity activity of multifidus muscle (9.90%±7.92%)is close to10%. The median frequency slope (MFs) of erector spinae and multifidus muscle tends to decrease, but the bilateral difference ratio (4.68%±3.17%,5.35%±5.40%)is smaller than 10%. Conclusion: (1) There is a problem of symmetry in the body rotation, thoracic spinal rotation and external rotation of hip joint of the badminton players with low back pain. And the rotation of thoracic spinal and hip joint tends to decrease. (2) There is a problem of symmetry in the mean power of constant speed body rotation. (3) During the test of isomeric back stretch, the fatigue of erector spinae and multifidus muscle is observed. So there is a problem of symmetry in myoelectricity activity.
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