Legal Analysis of UEFA's Former President Michel Platini Appeal Case
中文关键词:米歇尔·普拉蒂尼  国际足联  国际体育仲裁院  瑞士法律  瑞士联邦法院
英文关键词:Michel Platini  FIFA  CAS  Swiss Law  Swiss Federal Tribunal
Paolo Garraffa(意大利) 卡塔尼亚林克大学 pgarraffa@mail.com 
向会英 上海政法学院 体育法学研究中心  
摘要点击次数: 2748
全文下载次数: 2660
      The dispute opposing FIFA to its former President, Joseph S. Blatter, and to UEFA's former President, Michel Platini, has certainly been one of the main FIFA 's events of 2016. Platini was appealed to the FIFA Appeal Committee after being punished by the FIFA Ethics Committee,then he appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, and finally appealed to the Swiss Federal Tribunal. Through the legal analysis of the case of Platini appeals, especially the case of appeals to the Swiss Federal Tribunal, this article studies the application of the Swiss law to the FIFA rules based on the Swiss law and the Court of Arbitration for Sport rules based on the Swiss law, and further examines the mechanism of handling the case by Swiss law. There is still a possibility problem on proportionality of sanction in the case.
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