Domestic Courts' Jurisdiction Boundary concerning the Organizing Committee of Olympic Games: Taking the Case of the 15 Women Ski Jumpers v. Vancouver Olympics Organizing Committee as an Example
中文关键词:国内法院  奥组委  司法管辖  国际体育仲裁院
英文关键词:domestic court  Olympic Organizing Committee  jurisdiction  Court of Arbitration for Sport
王进 湘潭大学 法学院 858483896@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 2826
全文下载次数: 3142
      In the case of the 15 women ski jumpers v. Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee, the jurisdiction of the domestic court over the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games became the focus of controversy. Though the Organizing Committee of the Olympics is a domestic organization, yet the special relationships between IOC, the different international sports federations and the domestic governments make the domestic court to judge carefully which one is the real main body of the dispute when the court tries to decide whether to exercise jurisdiction over the case concerning the Organizing Committee of the Olympics. In general, for disputes arising from the Organizing Committee's implementation of the Olympic decision of the international sports organizations, domestic court should abide by the Olympic Charter, waive jurisdiction for such disputes and pass the cases to CAS for adjudication.
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