Effects of FLEXI-BARR Training on the Archer's Shoulder Stability from Fixing Position to Releasing
中文关键词:射箭运动员  振动杆训练  肌肉活性  固势-撒放时间  黄心命中率
英文关键词:archer  FLEXI-BARR training  muscle activation  time from fixing position to releasing  hitting ratio
肖才坤 广东体育职业技术学院 214482794@qq.com 
叶广雄 广东省黄村体育训练中心  
廖开放 广东体育职业技术学院  
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      目的:探讨振动杆训练对射箭运动员固势-撒放阶段稳定性的影响。方法:以26名射箭运动员为研究对象,随机分为实验组(振动杆)和对照组,每组13名。对照组只进行常规射箭力量训练,实验组在常规射箭力量训练的基础上再进行振动杆训练(每次训练30 min,每周3次,共8周),所有运动员在训练前及训练8周后分别测试积分肌电值(iEMG)、12支箭固势-撒放时间、黄心命中率等指标,并进行比较。结果:训练8周后,仅实验组射箭运动员双侧肩关节的前锯肌、上斜方肌、中斜方肌、下斜方肌、菱形肌和肩胛下肌的iEMG、固势-撒放时间、黄心命中率,较训练前有显著性差异(P<0.05)。组间比较时,实验组双侧肩关节的前锯肌、上斜方肌、中斜方肌、下斜方肌、菱形肌和肩胛下肌的iEMG和肌肉活性、固势-撒放时间、黄心命中率,与对照组比较均具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:振动杆练习能显著提高肩胛骨主要稳定肌的激活水平,缩短固势-撒放时间以及提高黄心命中率,可作为射箭运动员体能训练的一种有效辅助手段。
      To investigate the effects of FLEXI-BARR training on archer's shoulder stability from fixing position to releasing. Method: 26 archers were divided randomly into two groups of 13 each, that is, the control group and the experimental group (FLEXI-BARR training group). Both the groups had archery strength training, and the experimental group had FLEXI-BARR training (30min/session, 3 times/week, 8 weeks) additionally. iEMG, the time of fixing position to releasing of 12 arrows and hitting ratio were measured and compared for all the subjects before the training and after the 8-week training. Result: After the 8-week training, there is a significant difference (P<0.05) between the iEMG of the serratus anterior of the both shoulders, upper trapezius, middle trapezius, lower trapezius, rhomboid muscle and subscapularis, time from fixing position to releasing and hitting ratio of the two groups, as compared to the results measured before the training. Conclusion: FLEXI-BARR training may evidently improve the activation level of the main stabilizers of shoulder blade, decrease the time from fixing position to releasing and increase hitting ratio. It can be used as an effective aid to the physical training of archers.
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