The 1929 Zhejiang National Chinese Wushu Competition in the Public's Points of View: Taking Reports on Newpaper "Shun Pao" and "Yi Shi Bao" as Examples
中文关键词:武术  国术  浙江国术游艺大会  《申报》  《益世报》
英文关键词:Wushu  Guoshu  Zhejiang National Martial Arts Competition  "Shun Pao"  "Yi Shi Bao"
边茜 浙江外国语学院 中国语言文化学院 qian_bian@sina.com 
摘要点击次数: 2857
全文下载次数: 2784
      In the middle ten days and the last ten days of November in 1929, the Zhejiang National Chinese Wushu Competition was held in Hangzhou. At that time, ordinary people's impression of this competition was largely depended on its news in newspapers and magazines. "Shun Pao" and "Yi Shi Bao" were two influential newspapers in Modern China. They were the representatives of the mainstream media at that time. This paper collects, organizes and summarizes the news and articles of the 1929 Zhejiang National Chinese Wushu Competition in these two newspapers to examine its image in the masses' eyes, analyze the diversity of its image in the newspaper as well as the media's perception of "Wushu", and summaries lessons learned in the promotion process of Chinese Wushu with the analysis of "people's love for Wushu" at that time.
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