Discussion on the Legitimacy of International Sports Organizations Suspending National Sports Organizations
中文关键词:中止成员资格处罚  牵连  合法性  体育组织
英文关键词:penalty of suspension  involvement  legitimacy  sports organization
邵沁雨 苏州大学 王健法学院 2833008499@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 2085
全文下载次数: 2372
      International sports organizations and national sports organizations are equal civil subjects. The penalty rights of international sports organizations are derived from the transfer of rights by national sports organizations. Although the penalty of suspension imposed by international sports organizations on national sports organizations may affect athletes unfavorably, the penalty, as a civil remedy based on the "factual contract", i.e. the constitution of international sports organizations, signed by international sports organizations and national sports organizations, conforms to the provisions of relevant laws and has legitimacy. On the other hand, athletes do not have to endure the adverse effects of the penalty. They can seek both private and public relief. Although the relief in these two aspects is insufficient currently, it is the best way to balance and protect the participation rights of clean athletes as well as to maintain a fair and equitable sports environments.
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