A Case Study on the Effects of a Long-term Ketogenic Diet on Body Composition and Health of a Physically Active Adult
中文关键词:长期生酮饮食  身体成分  健康状况
英文关键词:long-term ketogenic diet  body composition  health status
王 晨 上海体育科学研究所 wangchen7253@hotmail.com 
任 雪 上海体育科学研究所  
侯 彬 上海体育科学研究所  
王 贝 上海体育科学研究所 33453189@qq.com 
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      目的:通过追踪一名自愿进行生酮饮食的运动爱好者7个月后身体成分及部分健康指标的变化情况,来观察长期生酮饮食对其身体成分及健康状况造成的影响。方法:以崔某为研究对象,对其7个月生酮饮食前后身体成分、血脂水平、炎症状态、血糖稳态及肾功能相关指标进行测试分析。结果:7个月生酮饮食后,崔某(1)体重基本维持不变,骨骼肌增加1.3 kg,体脂肪减少2.3 kg,体脂率下降2.8%;(2)脂代谢各项指标水平均有所上升,尤其是TCH、LDL、ApoB水平明显高于正常范围,TCH水平达到10.6 mmol/L,LDL水平达到8.29 mmol/L,ApoB值为2.47g/L;(3)炎症状态相关指标均处于正常参考范围内;(4)空腹胰岛素为4.25 mIU/L,葡萄糖为5.1 mmol/L、HOMA-IR值为0.96,HOMA-β指数为53.13;(5)肾功能相关指标均有所上升,其中BUN水平为6.5 mmol/L,Cr水平为112 μmol/L,UA水平升高显著且明显高于正常范围,达到576 μmol/L。结论:(1)长期生酮饮食结合力量训练有保持体重和增肌减脂的作用;(2)长期生酮饮食可导致血脂异常及高血尿酸;(3)长期生酮饮食的安全性和有效性还需更多研究数据积累来确定。
      Objective To investigate the changes in body composition and health status of a physically active adult who volunteered to take a ketogenic diet for 7 months. Methods To test and compare body composition, lipid profiles, inflammatory status, glucose and insulin levels and renal function related indicators before and after 7-month ketogenic diet. Results After 7-month ketogenic diet, (1) weight remained basically the same, skeletal muscle mass increased by 1.3 kg while body fat mass decreased by 2.3 kg and body fat percentage decreased by 2.8; (2) lipid profiles significantly changed. TCH, LDL, and ApoB were much higher than normal ranges, with TCH reaching 10.6 mmol/L, LDL reaching 8.29 mmol/L, and ApoB reaching 2.47 g/L; (3) Inflammatory status was normal. (4) The fasting glucose and insulin levels were 5.1 mmol/l and 4.25 mIU/L, respectively. The calculated HOMA-IR and HOMA-β were 0.96 and 53.13. (5) All the renal function related indicators measured increased greatly. BUN was 6.5 mmol/L and Cr was 112 ?滋mol/L, which were still within normal ranges. UA significantly increased from 402 ?mol/L to 576 ?滋mol/L, much higher than the normal range. Conclusions (1) The long-term ketogenic diet combined with strength training maintained body weight, with muscle mass increased and body fat decreased; (2) The long-term ketogenic diet can lead to abnormal blood lipids and hyperurincemia (3) More research is needed to investigate the safety and effectiveness of a long-term ketogenic diet.
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